Kangaroo Maths ... putting the bounce back into teaching!

 Subject leadership

This section aims to provide a variety of resources that are particularly helpful for Heads of Department

Policies and Procedures | Improvement Planning | Curriculum Planning | Assessment


  • Policies and Procedures

    This updated version (April 2010) of the departmental handbook can easily be adapted to suit your school. It now contains renewed NC level and GCSE grade descriptors.

    Ever wondered how Mathematics fits in to the 'Every Child Matters' agenda? Here are some thoughts based on QCDA programmes of study.


  • Curriculum Planning

    Long term

    The statutory stuff - links to QCDA Programmes of Study: Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4

    Links to National Strategies Frameworks: Primary, Secondary

    Medium term

    Secondary schemes of work can be found in Kenny's Pouch:

    • Key Stage 3: Based on a pathway structure which groups should access at an appropriate point based on their KS2 profiles. Stacks of ideas and activities, and includes assessment materials to support the tracking of pupils' progress in relation to National Curriculum levels.

    • Key Stage 4: Schemes of work at four levels: 4 to D, 5 to C, 6 to B and 7/8 to A/A*. However, these are being rewritten to ensure smooth progression from the KS3 pathway structure and will be ready for teaching the new GCSE from September 2010.

    • AS/A2 Level: Interactive schemes of work for all Core units, and lesser versions for some of the applied units. A great range of activities and includes suggested 'Success For All' activities.

    Short term

    Lesson planning sheet: That's it.